Saturday, December 14, 2013

EpicBlox Communication Center soon coming our way!

As you know, there is currently a Epicblox Community center, used for meetings and everything Epicblox. As this post won't be too long, we can allow you to join for a fee of 25 Robux. All early-accessers will receive a special reward for later on when it becomes public. Like I said, I cannot keep this too long, so i'm going to keep it short and sweet.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Live Q and A Session on the 8th

We are going to have a live Q and A session on the 8th of December 2013! We will be talking about the live stream that took place a day before and have discussions on the GIFTSPLOSION! We will also be announcing a secret the EpicBlox admins have been keeping for over a year! So come along and join us now! You can join us right HERE on the 8th of December! See you there!

What it may contain :
- Giftsplosion info
- Super Secret Announcement
- Q and A
- Discussion on the roblox live stream taking place on the 7th
- Rank ups
- New rank announcement
- Gameplay
- Announcement of EpicBlox live stream date

                      We will see you there! Only on Epicblox!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gift Guesser

Our gift guesser is officially up for the VERY FIRST TIME! You can go check it out at 'More', it will have all the latest gifts and the theory on how to get them! Go check it out now! You will be sure to like it.

Monday, December 2, 2013


It's that time of the year again where we celebrate Christmas!We are here to joyfully present this years GIFTSPLOSION!!!!
We have our first gift out right HERE
Everything on roblox is already set up with more gifts to come! Join us this year in GIFTSPLOSION as it will take up the first 12 days of December!

                                          NEW TO EPICBLOX
We finally have our old Wallpapers page up and running! So far we only currently have one wallpaper, but more will come out, if you wish to have a copy of the website's background, just give me a pm on

Late Night Slice

This is the first ever LATE NIGHT SLICE, here what we do is give you tips or head starts on upcoming things! Tonight, we are doing a Christmas themed LNS! Ok, Remember, having gifts and money is not everything to Christmas, remember Jesus how he died for us and how God sent his one and only son to sacrifice for our sins.Christmas joy does not come from gifts, this is the place to prove it :
This tree may have no leafs, but he is still happy, which makes a light, a light brighter than any other light. Please take the time to try this game out and also read the description. Thank you. That includes your late night slice, thank you for reading.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Issue #1 Coming very Soon!

As you may know, we have finally got our issues back up and running! I am glad, now we can post great things and share it with you!The first issue will be opening very special since it's Christmas! It will be released on the day of Christmas-Eve! So stay tune! Here's a little peak of it!